Variations of the OSCOLA 2 4th edn style for Endnote versions X4 to X9 for the LQR, CLJ, MLR and ibid and short-form freeįor help, see Tips for using OSCOLA with Endnote or contact Endnote OSCOLA styles are developed by the Oxford Law Faculty.
The Basic style is for Endnote provided on servers or used on shared computers.
The OSCOLA 2 4th edn Endnote style is for writers with Endnote versions X4 to X9 on their own computers.
Oxford University members will find key information on how to get personal accounts with Refworks and EndNote (as well as other useful general comparisons between the systems) on the relevant pages of the Oxford Libguide on reference management Endnote styles For a comparison, see S Meredith, 'Critical Review of Referencing Software when used with OSCOLA' (2013) 4 (1) EJLT. These styles for Endnote, LaTeX, Refworks and Zotero are designed to help legal scholars format cases, legislation, articles and books in compliance with OSCOLA.